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Title: Ik / Kong Yalei
Author(s): 孔亞雷 Kong Yalei (♂), 1975-
Translator(s): Leenhouts, Mark
Appeared in: Terras 10 (June 2016), pp. 118-123
Orig. title: 我 / 孔亞雷著.
Archived URL: https://www.dbnl.org/tekst/_ter001201601_01/_ter001201601_01_0031.php
Notes: Online available
Subjects: Fiction - Modern - Mainland China
Title: Mango / Kong Yalei
Author(s): 孔亞雷 Kong Yalei (♂), 1975-
Translator(s): Leenhouts, Mark
Appeared in: Terras 13 (2017)
Orig. title: 芒果 / 孔亞雷著.
Orig. URL: http://tijdschriftterras.nl/mango/
Notes: Available online
Subjects: Fiction - Modern - Mainland China
Title: De zee in mij / Zhu Zhu
Author(s): 朱朱 Zhu Zhu (♂), 1969-
Translator(s): Marijnissen, Silvia
Appeared in: Terras 13 (2017 ), pp. 37
Subjects: Poetry - Modern - Mainland China
Title: Zoomen / Zhu Zhu
Author(s): 朱朱 Zhu Zhu (♂), 1969-
Translator(s): Marijnissen, Silvia
Appeared in: Terras 13 (2017 ), pp. 36
Subjects: Poetry - Modern - Mainland China
Title: Waarom er geen muziek was / Yu Hua
Author(s): 余華 Yu Hua (♂), 1960-
Translator(s): Meyer, Jan A.M. De
Appeared in: Terras 13 (2017 )
Orig. title: 為什麼沒有音樂 / 余華著.
Archived URL: https://tijdschriftterras.nl/waarom-er-geen-muziek-was/
Notes: Reprinted in Flesjes knallen, Amsterdam: De Geus, 2018, 155-170. Also available online.
Subjects: Fiction - Modern - Mainland China
Title: Licht stroomt als water / Wu Ming-Yi
Author(s): 吳明益 Wu Mingyi (♂)
Translator(s): Banfield, Mathilda
Appeared in: Terras 13 (2017 ), pp. 16-26
Archived URL: https://tijdschriftterras.nl/licht-stroomt-als-water/
Notes: Available online
Subjects: Fiction - Modern - Taiwan
Title: Speelgoed / Xi Xi
Author(s): 西西 Xi Xi (♀), 1937-
Translator(s): Stiggelbout, Annelous
Appeared in: Terras 13 (2017 ), pp. 61-63
Orig. title: 玩具 / 西西著.
Archived URL: https://tijdschriftterras.nl/speelgoed/
Notes: Reprint from Het Trage Vuur. Available online
Subjects: Fiction - Modern - Hong Kong
Title: Dichter in oorlog / Du Fu
Author(s): 杜甫 Du Fu (♂), 712-770
Translator(s): Bronkhorst, Daan
Appeared in: Terras 13 (2017)
Archived URL: https://tijdschriftterras.nl/dichter-in-oorlog/
Notes: Available online
Subjects: Poetry - Classical
Title: Uit: Berichten uit de Sahara / Sanmao
Author(s): 三毛 Sanmao (♀), 1943-1991
Translator(s): Stiggelbout, Annelous
Appeared in: Terras 13 (2017)
Archived URL: https://tijdschriftterras.nl/uit-berichten-uit-de-sahara/
Notes: Available online.
Subjects: Reportage
Title: Twee fragmenten uit 'Atlas' / Dung Kai-Cheung
Author(s): 董啟章 Dong Qizhang (♂), 1967-
Translator(s): Heijns, Audrey
Appeared in: Terras 13 (2017)
Archived URL: https://tijdschriftterras.nl/fragmenten-uit-atlas/
Notes: Available online
Subjects: Fiction - Modern - Hong Kong
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