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Title: Lied van Regenboogrok en Verenkleed / Bai Juyi
Author(s): 白居易 Bai Juyi (♂), 772-846
Translator(s): Idema, Wilt L.
Appeared in: De Gids 157.3/4 (1994), pp. 303-308
Archived URL: https://www.dbnl.org/tekst/_gid001199401_01/_gid001199401_01_0052.php
Notes: Available online
Subjects: Poetry - Classical
Title: De onthoofde feministe: gedichten van Qiu Jin (1875-1907) / Qiu Jin
Author(s): 秋瑾 Qiu Jin (♀), 1875-1907
Translator(s): Idema, Wilt L.
Appeared in: De Gids 6 (1996), pp. 540-559
Archived URL: https://www.dbnl.org/tekst/_gid001199601_01/_gid001199601_01_0069.php
Notes: Available online
Subjects: Poetry - Classical
Title: Eerbewijs / Xi Chuan
Author(s): 西川 Xi Chuan (♂), 1963-
Translator(s): Crevel, Maghiel van
Appeared in: De Gids 6 (1996), pp. 563-573
Archived URL: https://www.dbnl.org/tekst/_gid001199601_01/_gid001199601_01_0071.php
Notes: Available online
Subjects: Poetry - Modern - Mainland China
Title: Ni-kou-sse-fan / Anoniem
Author(s): 無名氏 Anonymous
Appeared in: De Gids 2 (1838), pp. 194-197
Orig. URL: http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/_gid001183801_01/_gid001183801_01_0113.htm
Notes: The anonymous translator 'L. T.'. Available online.
Subjects: Poetry - Classical
Title: De dochter soldaat / Anoniem
Author(s): 無名氏 Anonymous
Appeared in: De Gids 2 (1838), pp. 263-265
Orig. URL: http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/_gid001183801_01/_gid001183801_01_0126.htm
Notes: The anonymous translator 'L. T.'. Available online
Subjects: Poetry - Classical
Title: De terugkomst in het dorp / Tu Fu
Author(s): 杜甫 Du Fu (♂), 712-770
Appeared in: De Gids 2 (1838), pp. 347-348
Orig. URL: http://www.dbnl.org/tekst/_gid001183801_01/_gid001183801_01_0139.htm
Notes: The anonymous translator 'T. L.'. Available online
Subjects: Poetry - Classical
Title: Zeven boeddhistische gedichten / Tsjow Meng-tie
Author(s): 周夢蝶 Zhou Mengdie (♂), 1921-2014
Translator(s): Haft, Lloyd
Appeared in: De Gids (1980), pp. 333-342
Archived URL: https://www.dbnl.org/tekst/_gid001198001_01/_gid001198001_01_0032.php
Notes: Available online
Subjects: Poetry - Modern - Taiwan
Title: Shackleton uitgezwaaid door zijn bemanning op Elephant Island / Kong Yalei
Author(s): 孔亞雷 Kong Yalei (♂), 1975-
Translator(s): Leenhouts, Mark
Appeared in: De Gids 3 (2015), pp. 18-19
Orig. title: 留在大象島的探險隊員與沙克兒頓告別 / 孔亞雷著.
Archived URL: https://www.de-gids.nl/artikelen/shackleton-uitgezwaaid-door-zijn-bemanning-op-elephant-island
Notes: Available online.
Subjects: Fiction - Modern - Mainland China
Title: Vier gedichten / Mu Cao
Author(s): 墓草 Mu Cao (♂), 1974-
Translator(s): Crevel, Maghiel van
Appeared in: De Gids 3 (2017)
Archived URL: https://de-gids.nl/2017/no3/vier-gedichten
Notes: Available online
Subjects: Poetry - Modern - Mainland China
Title: Welkom in de Aidsdorpen! / Mu Cao
Author(s): 墓草 Mu Cao (♂), 1974-
Translator(s): Crevel, Maghiel van
Appeared in: De Gids (22 June 2017)
Archived URL: https://de-gids.nl/vandaag/welkom-in-de-aidsdorpen
Notes: Available online
Subjects: Poetry - Modern - Mainland China
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